Sometimes you just need a jump start! You have your new scrapbooking packet, the Stamp of the Month, your inks, blocks and you just picked up pictures from the drugstore…. but you find yourself staring at a blank piece of paper and your mind goes blank!
You put the pictures out, but nothing comes to you… Don’t just put it away, I have scrapbook sketches posted every Monday Morning here at Creatively Carol. I call it my Motivational Monday Sketches feature.
We have all been there, and if we don’t infuse some new ideas into our layouts, we end up with all of our scrapbook pages looking alike. This is supposed to be fun, not work so I would like to invite you to come weekly and gather some new ideas for your pages.
Here is today’s Motivational Monday Sketch: A single scrapbook page with 2- 4″x6″ photos.
It is human nature to do something over and over when you find that it works for you but it does get boring. It’s okay to do the same scrapbook layout but wouldn’t you just LOVE to be like the professionals or the artists and just come up with a new design on your own?
Keep in mind, your scrapbooking doesn’t have to be perfect, it only has to reflect how you see the photos and how they make you feel. I try not to scrapbook photos that leave me feeling blaa, but that isn’t always possible. I, too, have pages that are Dragnet journaling… (for those of you who are too young for the Dragnet reference it is… Just the facts ma’am.) If the page answers the who, what, where, when, and why, you have done your job for the next generation. When you add how you feel about a certain photo, or even better, how the subject was feeling at the time you are helping your reader to get to know the subject a bit better. I know I look at old photos my grandmother had and wonder what my great grandmother was thinking when she posed for a picture.
Scrapbooking is supposed to be fun and an enjoyable hobby, while at the same time telling the stories of your family and your life. If you are like I am and countless others who have become addicted to scrapbooking, you have many old photos that you need to put in your scrapbooks to preserve them and the sooner the better.
As you work with more and more different layouts and the many, many different ways of embellishing a page, you will gain more experience, more confidence and the Creative Ideas will come more naturally.
Remember, for every finished layout I receive, your name goes into the bucket for the end of the month drawing. I have lots of stamp sets to give away and you will be able to choose from them.
Now, leave a comment below with your thoughts, and then take the sketch and start creating. I will post my interpretation of the sketch later in the week.
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