A Shammy Just for Stamps!

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The New Stamp Shammy!

We have seen the Close to my Heart Spritz Cleaner and the scrubbers go away, but in it’s place is the new Shammy for your stamps.  Let’s face it, a lot of you were using baby wipes anyway, and while they are disposable, this is a much better solution.  Just a little water to clean your stamps, then a dab of soap to clean the shammy and you are good to go.

One thing to remember is if you leave it in a scrunched-up little ball after washing it, it will, in fact, dry in a scrunched-up little ball!  There is a case your can get for drying your shammy, but I thought it was a bit too pricy for me. I have since found it dried in a ball, so I might have to reconsider this purchase.

The only think I am not crazy about is that it dries so quickly. When we had the spritz, I could just spray it on, it was always in a bottle, so always wet. Since it does need to be washed with soap and water, it is one extra step during the day while I am stamping since I didn’t put a sink in my office.

I hope this has helped you with how to clean your stamps. If you have any questions, leave them below and I will get them answered for you.

Creatively, Carol

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