My husband has been having headaches and major pain in his head for quite some time. We keep going for tests, but only after a PET scan did I learn that my husband has Frontotemporal dementia. Why am I sharing this with you, you are wondering. One very concerning part of this dementia is that he is loosing his memory. While we wish it would affect his long-term memory (all the stuff that has happened in your life you WANT to forget) it has a more pronounced affect on his short term memory. Suddenly, memory keeping sounds much more important that just a hobby of scrapbooking.
Here is a quote I read recently, (author unknown) “Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose”. I thought it was rather profound considering at 65, I catch little blips on my memory scale.
The truth is, we never know what life is going to deal us. Scrapbooking the memories we are making today is important. I know what you are thinking, as so many people do, “the photos are in my phone.” You think they are safe, you would never delete them, at least now on purpose. Let me share with you a sad story my sister-in-law experienced. We had a big family reunion in Moab, Utah. There was a day that 5 families with their jeeps took to the trails. This included my brother and his wife, my son-in-law and his boys, and my two sons with their kids. Never before had all of them done something together like this and lots of pictures and videos were taken. They had a ball. That night, my son was telling Josie how she could share them on google photos, (Josie has an Iphone, while the rest of us are android users. So Josie uploaded all the photos in her phone to the google cloud. Then, because she didn’t realize she could just share the photos she wanted to share, she started deleting photos that were not of the trip… 8 years worth the photos were now deleted from both her Icloud AND Google Cloud. She was devastated, cried for days. Pictures going back to my nephew playing high school baseball, then for UNR, my niece’s graduation and so many family get togethers and personal vacations.
Take the time to print your photos, even if you don’t feel you have the time to scrapbook them. I will show you ways to keep those photos using instant pages that just require you slip the photo in, and a card with the details. I will also give you easy layouts you can do in less than an hour if you want something a bit more details. Just don’t let what happened to Josie happen to you. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can back up automatically an unlimited number of photos.
I would rather sort through multiples of the same photo (which I often do) rather than try to collect from others what I have lost.
Do you have a story to tell about your photos? Leave a comment below and share your story.
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