Strike a Pose

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Strike a pose, photography tips

Capture the unique personality of your subject with these helpful photography tips.

Do a Background Check

Before snapping any shots, make sure your background won’t distract from your subjects.
To create an uncluttered backdrop, consider shooting them against a neutral wall. Make sure mirrors or windows don’t create unwanted reflections. When shooting outdoors, watch for telephone wires, trees in wrong places, or other discordant elements.

Express Yourself

Introducing props can help reflect the subject’s personality. For example, if you’re photographing a friend who loves to play the guitar, consider taking the photo with her instrument. lntroducing props that are familiar to your subject can also set him or her at ease, resulting in a more natural portrait.

Slow it Down

When it comes to taking portraits, a lower film speed (or ISO) often works best, A lOO ISO is ideal for shots in which your subject is sitting still. lt works best in bright sun or wlth added lighting. Because the shot takes longer, it’s a good idea to use a tripod to keep the camera steady while
taking the photo.

Take Center Stage

Making sure your subjects fill the frame is the best way to put them in the spotlight. This also minimizes background distractions and eliminates unnecessary elements that can pull the focus away from the story you’re trying to tell.

Be Spontaneous

You don’t have to wait for a special event to snap a portrait. The little moments that occur in veryday life are also worth remembering. So keep your camera handy so you can capture those special times that arise unexpectedly.

Unify a Group
Group portrait shots can be particularly challenging to arrange. To create a more dynamic shot, arrange everyone so that their eyes are all at different levels. Avoid static-looking rows, which can make your subjects look disconnected. lnstead, opt for a triangular formation to lend a better sense of unity.

If you have any tips to add to this article, please leave them below.

Creatively, Carol

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