When I was looking us history for National Thank you Month, I found a dozen or so different “causes” shall we say for the Month of January. While I have not found any history on National Thank You Month, I will embrace this one. We all need to say thank you a little more and murmur a bit less. National Thank You Month was probably set in January because people are still able to bask in the warmth of the holiday good will. Set in August or September people might have been a bit more jaded.
Since New Years Day fell on Throwback Thursday where I usually post the weekly card sketch, I thought I would post one today. Perhap you will make it a Thank you card to send for National Thank You Month. I plan to send a card a day this month. If you are on my mailing list and I have your snail mail address, you might be a lucky receiver of one! Here is a link to go sign up now. You can also send an e-mail and give me your snail mail address. Business’ you are included here, after all, wouldn’t your business grow if you sent more thank you notes too?
Here is your sketch: Come back later today and see what I have done with the sketch.
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