Motivational Monday – A Sketch for a 5 x 7 Photo

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School pictures have just come home, First thing to do, in pencil or a photo safe pen like Marvy® Uchida® LePen™ Journaling Pen write the full name of the person in the picture. Yes, I realize that YOU know who is in the picture and so does the recipient that receives it, but this is something you do so when people get old, or have memory issues, they can still know who someone is.  I can’t begin to tell you how many photographs of my grandmothers that we have to guess at who someone might be… give your posterity a break, laSketch for 5 x 7 Photobel your pictures. Jumping off the soapbox now…

This layout if perfect for the annual record of your child in the grade they are in. You could choose colors to match their clothes, or use their favorite colors in your background papers.  You have enough room on this layout  from Easy Scrapbook Sketches© to add the child’s name, grade and favorite things about school.  It also might be fun to a matching layout perhaps flipped that you can list their favorites at the end of the year… have they changed?  Maybe a couple of sports pictures or something else that was important to them during the year.   Of course if this is a young man, perhaps the flowers need to be changed for cars or whatever the current rage is…

I wish I had begun something like this when my kids were just starting school, but I know what I am going to do with all the pictures stacked up in the frame on the wall while I can still remember things the kids like.

What about you? Will you give the layout a try?  When you complete the layout, send me a copy of the completed page to either [email protected] or via text to 801-597-4896. I will be giving away a special Stamp of the Month from a time in the past at the end of the month from all the entries.     I look forward to seeing your work!   

Scrapbooking, Cardmaking and Papercraft Instructor


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