I Have a Dream!

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Happy Martin Luther King Day! Today is the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s famous speech. While that is still important today, I want to talk about dreams a bit closer to home. How many times have you said “I wish I could have asked ‘grandma’ (enter your person here” so many questions about their life.  The problem is as a young person, we are busy and don’t have the forethought to ask while these people are alive.  I have found in my sixties there are so many things I wished I had asked. Things like “how did you feel when you saw airline travel possible?” There are so many things.

How well do your kids know you?

How well do your kids and grandkids know you?  I have come to realize I don’t know some basic things about my parents, like their favorite colors, or favorite places to vacation, to mention a few. For this reason, I am starting a daily posting on the Creatively Carol Facebook page of questions to invoke thought, Share your memories, ideas, dreams and feelings with those in your life.  You can answer on the page, (then copy and paste your answer into an online journal or document, or write the question into a scrapbook or journal and then answer it.  While I favor this method because I think handwriting stirs feelings, however, that is not always as practical at this time in our lives.

Share These Questions With Family

My parents are not regular visitors to Facebook so I plan to e-mail them the questions they may actually answer. Some generations, (and some families) are more open about the things they will talk about. I raised my own children in a manner that told them they could ask us anything and we would answer or talk about it. My daughter has continued this with her own children. The questions may not always be comfortable, but sharing your answers could lend insight into their own lives either now, or later in life. My grandson, her youngest, asked how often her parents had sex! She asked him if he was really asking her if it was something he really wanted to know. He explained, yes, I want to know if you have a healthy sex life. She answered him and said “this is what a healthy sex life looks like. He later asked me if his grandfather and I still had sex. I was glad it was a yes or no answer as I didn’t feel as free to go into details!

Now it is your turn! Jump over to my Facebook page and answer today’s question (worry, nothing like my grandson’s questions) and begin your journey into sharing your life.  I will share a few more ideas about this in the coming days.

Creatively, Carol



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