How to Sort Your Christmas Photos

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How to Sort your Pictures-*When I began scrapbooking some 12 years or so ago, I felt I had to use every photo I took (unless it was an exact duplicate. I even had trouble getting rid of the blurry ones. II never really considered that was you DIDN’T have to scrapbook every picture. I learned later about cropping photos and how it is important it was, but I will save that for another day,  The biggest challenge for me both 12 years ago and even today is organization. Since today is Organizational Tuesday I thought it was a good time to talk about organizing your photos. Here are some tips to help you get ready.

First, decide if you want to put your Christmas photos in a traditional scrapbook, in a digital photo album or in a Picture my Life® by Close to my Heart.  There are benefits to each method which we will discuss later. The next thing you must do is to organize your photographs.  This has become more complicated than just making piles on the floor to separate them.

If you’re making a traditional scrapbook, you will eventually want to print the pictures but perhaps before you do this, create a folder labeled Christmas 2014 and inside it put folders for every scrapbook page you want to do. Divide your pictures up by desired page. Then when you are finished, you can evaluate the pictures in each folder and determine what is worth scrapbooking.

This will work for any occasion going forward.

Next week we will talk about all the pictures already sitting in your computer already and if you are as old as me, all the pictures you have printed and stilling in a box and your albums.   I will tell you that if you have your photos in any of the old “magnetic” albums, please remove them. They will damage your photos because the chemicals doesn’t not play well with the inks in your photos. If the picture is stuck use some dental floss to slide under the picture.

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