These days very few people take the time to send a card in the mail, thinking it is perfectly ok to just say what they want in an e-mail or online card… but you don’t get that excitement that going to the mailbox and finding something other than junk mail and bills. I have a step-mother that makes beautiful cards, and we all look forward to them at those special times. What is nice is that we both do very different types of cards. I have posted a couple of her cards before.
Here is the picture I took out of a catalog of which I have never purchased a thing! I get a lot of my inspiration by looking at cards posted in catalogs. Usually it is a color palette or just the basic design of the cards, but something draws me to the cards. Above is the card I made from the picture.
And FYI – All the directions for this beautiful card were sent to everyone on my mailing list so if you are not signed up, click on the link to the right and sign up now!
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