Hosting a Close to my Heart Scrapbook, Card or Papercrafting party is easy and lots of fun! As we are heading into spring.. there will be baby showers to plan, weddings to prepare for and birthday parties for sure. Why not do something different this time and throw a scrapbook party! Just imagine how much fun it would be to all be making a special scrapbook page for her baby book. She would be thrilled with a scrapbook that has a bunch of pages where all she has to do is add pictures of her new arrival!
Instead of bringing gifts or in addition to smaller gifts, every participant purchases something so the new mother can continue to scrapbook her child’s life. Or they could purchase for themselves and give the hostess gifts to the new mother. there are lots of ways to do this, but it is lots of fun!
Here is a view of what you can earn as a hostess of a Close to my Heart Party:
When sales of your party reach:$1,050 or more $200 or more** in free products AND select up to 4 items in the current Idea Book at 50% off
$950–$1,049 $180 in free product AND select up to 4 items in the current Idea Book at 50% off
$850–$949 $160 in free product AND select up to 4 items in the current Idea Book at 50% off
$750–$849 $140 in free product AND select up to 3 items in the current Idea Book at 50% off
$650–$749 $120 in free product AND select up to 3 items in the current Idea Book at 50% off
$550–$649 $100 in free product AND select up to 2 items in the current Idea Book at 50% off
$450–$549 $80 in free product AND select any 2 item in the current Idea Book at 50% off
$350–$449 $60 in free product AND select any 1 item in the current Idea Book at 50% off
$250–$349 $40 in free product AND select any 1 item in the current Idea Book at 50% off
$150–$249 $25 in free product
So you can see how this can quickly add up to a wonderful party.
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